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The cleanse kit is your go-to gently exfoliating and cleansing skin kit.

Sabbia Co’s Turmeric Konjac sponge is eco-friendly, 100% natural, and made from Konjac plant roots along with turmeric. This AMAZING exfoliating and cleansing sponge is also 100% biodegradable and infused with a super antioxidant known for its soothing properties to fight free radicals and removes dead skin with just WATER!


The fibrous structure of the sponge gently exfoliates everyday dirt & dead skin, while Turmeric counteracts excess sebum & helps combat bacteria with its antioxidant properties. 



100% konjac sponge and tumeric

Konjac sponge tumeric

You will receive your product within 2-3 weeks of order
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